Be mobile, informed and especially don't loose contact – these are the priorities of successful people that can be fulfilled by mobile apps. 

Mobile applications and their development are without a doubt a phenomenon of the last decade. Boom of mobile connectivivty and mobile devices revealed unimagined options. Their use has not been limited to only exploring web pages, work related and private communication.

Development of mobile appliacations and continual creation of new applications revealed additional options; mobile applications are used for fun, work, business, education, active rest, culture and sport purposes meanwhile they find use in just about every area of human activity. Affordability of devices and mobile telecommunication data services caused that mobile applications for iOS and Android devices have become very popular. We are making them... and our apps are good...

We are developing mobile applications that best fit your needs, so we can help you to get started, evolve and streamline your business. If your goal is to be more succesfull than your competition, we'll gladly help you with that. Development of mobile applications is our mission, that's why you'll find quialified professionals in our team which are ready give you advice and you with the initial idea, suggest you custom solutions and direct your mobile application and business on the way to the success. 

Obrázok slider: 
Vývoj mobilných aplikácii iOS a Android
Obrázok slider detail: 
Vývoj mobilných aplikácii iOS a Android
ID pre jquery: 
<div class="mobap"> <div class="pclose" id="maclose">X</div> <div class="mobap-inner"> <div class="portfolio-image"><img src="<?php echo '/' . path_to_theme(); ?>/images/hpmobapp.png" alt="" /></div> <div class="portfolio-desc"> <h3 class="portfolio-first">MOBILNÉ</h3> <h3 class="portfolio-last">APLIKÁCIE</h3> <p>Ľudia sú on-line stále. Cez telefóny či tablety hľadajú informácie kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek. Preto sú mobilné aplikácie pre iPhone, iPad či Android zariadenia tak obľúbené. A my ich robíme...</p> <p>Ak používate hlasové ovládanie firiem Google, Apple a Microsoft, vaše slová môžu zostať na ich serveroch aj dva roky. Hoci ide o prirodzenú súčasť technológií, doposiaľ si nik neuvedomil, že by mohli narušiť krehké hranice súkromia. A nemusí ísť iba o vládne agentúry špehujúce komunikáciu a hackerov, ktorí by sa nabúravali do cloudov spoločností. </p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div>
Logo spodok: 
Mobilné aplikácie - Mobilná aplikácia Hotel Galileo Donovaly
Mobilné aplikácie - Mobilná aplikácia GIORNO - Vínna karta
Mobilné aplikácie - Mobilná aplikácia Wine Snow
Mobilné aplikácie - Mobilná aplikácia HKM Zvolen
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Mobilné aplikácie iOSiOS

Products of Apple are percieved as things of prestige, design and lifestyle. Their philosophy has enabled them to reach millions of customers worldwide for whom the AppStore contains more than 2 million apps to choose from. Apple products like iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch are not only a consumer article, but also a fashion accessory and work tool. All these features are making products using the iOS platform the most successful product line on global market, that's why when your thinking about a mobile application, you simply can't skip a mobile application for iOS.

It is our policy to provide our clients with free consultations, that's why you should use this unique oportunity to get more information about creating mobile applications, curent trends and solutions for your business for free. 

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Mobilné aplikácie AndroidAndroid OS

In the present, the most widespread operataing system for mobile applications that is representing a unique platform for wide spectrum of manufacters of mobile devices with its openness and variability. Devices that are using the Android platform are offering versatility and indepence from hardware to its costumers.
More than 2.2 milion mobile applications are available to download through Google Play services. Android offers developers unlimited options for developing a wide range of products ranging from wearables through smartfones and set-top boxes to its widely spread use in the automobile industry.

It is our policy to provide our clients with free consultations, that's why you should use this unique oportunity to get more information about creating mobile applications, curent trends and solutions for your business for free. 

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